Contact addresses
Jean, Lady Wilson, OBE
22 The Cliff Roedean
E. Sussex BN2 5RE
Tel: (01273) 607667
Fax: (01273) 679624
Email: [email protected]
Vice Chairman
Professor Ronald Hinchcliffe
Professor Emeritus of Audiological Medicine
Institute of Laryngology and Otology
330 Gray's Inn Road
London WC1X 8EE
Tel: (01462) 453 394
Fax: (01462) 453 394
Email: [email protected]
Professor Linda Luxon
15 Upper Wimpole Street
London W1G 6LS
Tel/Fax: 020 7224 2740
Email: [email protected]
Dr Gregory Bock
Deputy Director
The Novartis Foundation
41 Portland Place
London W1N 4BN
Tel: (020) 7636 9456
Fax: (020) 7436 2840
Email: [email protected]